Transforming data to make it fit for analysis

Learn to use dplyr, pandas and siuba to filter rows & create and change columns

Umair Durrani

import pandas as pd
from siuba.dply.vector import n, row_number, last
from siuba import *
from plotnine import *
import janitor
C:\Users\umair\ANACON~1\envs\homl3\lib\site-packages\lazy_loader\ RuntimeWarning: subpackages can technically be lazily loaded, but it causes the package to be eagerly loaded even if it is already lazily loaded.So, you probably shouldn't use subpackages with this lazy feature.
C:\Users\umair\ANACON~1\envs\homl3\lib\site-packages\lazy_loader\ RuntimeWarning: subpackages can technically be lazily loaded, but it causes the package to be eagerly loaded even if it is already lazily loaded.So, you probably shouldn't use subpackages with this lazy feature.
using ParquetFiles, DataFrames, Tidier
df <- arrow::read_parquet("data/df_raw.parquet")

df <- janitor::clean_names(df) 
vehicle_id frame_id total_frames global_time local_x local_y global_x global_y v_length v_width v_class v_vel v_acc lane_id preceding following space_headway time_headway
1 12 884 1113433136100 16.884 52.74782 6042842 2133118 14.3 6.4 2 6.947704 2.188889 2 0 0 0 0
1 13 884 1113433136200 16.938 53.45500 6042842 2133119 14.3 6.4 2 7.195818 3.152102 2 0 0 0 0
1 14 884 1113433136300 16.991 54.19089 6042842 2133120 14.3 6.4 2 7.522104 3.871618 2 0 0 0 0
1 15 884 1113433136400 17.045 54.96182 6042842 2133121 14.3 6.4 2 7.896343 4.184370 2 0 0 0 0
1 16 884 1113433136500 17.098 55.77100 6042842 2133123 14.3 6.4 2 8.287402 3.906572 2 0 0 0 0
1 17 884 1113433136600 17.151 56.61935 6042842 2133124 14.3 6.4 2 8.679462 3.880959 2 0 0 0 0
df = pd.read_parquet("data/df_raw.parquet")

Index(['Vehicle_ID', 'Frame_ID', 'Total_Frames', 'Global_Time', 'Local_X',
       'Local_Y', 'Global_X', 'Global_Y', 'v_Length', 'v_Width', 'v_Class',
       'v_Vel', 'v_Acc', 'Lane_ID', 'Preceding', 'Following', 'Space_Headway',
df = df.clean_names()

Index(['vehicle_id', 'frame_id', 'total_frames', 'global_time', 'local_x',
       'local_y', 'global_x', 'global_y', 'v_length', 'v_width', 'v_class',
       'v_vel', 'v_acc', 'lane_id', 'preceding', 'following', 'space_headway',
df = DataFrame(load("data/df_raw.parquet"))
1048575×18 DataFrame
     Row │ Vehicle_ID  Frame_ID  Total_Frames  Global_Time    Local_X  Local_Y ⋯
         │ Int64       Int64     Int64         Int64          Float64  Float64 ⋯
       1 │          1        12           884  1113433136100   16.884    52.74 ⋯
       2 │          1        13           884  1113433136200   16.938    53.45
       3 │          1        14           884  1113433136300   16.991    54.19
       4 │          1        15           884  1113433136400   17.045    54.96
       5 │          1        16           884  1113433136500   17.098    55.77 ⋯
       6 │          1        17           884  1113433136600   17.151    56.61
       7 │          1        18           884  1113433136700   17.204    57.50
       8 │          1        19           884  1113433136800   17.257    58.43
    ⋮    │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮              ⋮           ⋮         ⋮   ⋱
 1048569 │       2911      8586           731  1113433993500   53.639  1510.93 ⋯
 1048570 │       2911      8587           731  1113433993600   53.666  1513.01
 1048571 │       2911      8588           731  1113433993700   53.693  1515.0
 1048572 │       2911      8589           731  1113433993800   53.719  1516.88
 1048573 │       2911      8590           731  1113433993900   53.746  1518.68 ⋯
 1048574 │       2911      8591           731  1113433994000   53.772  1520.39
 1048575 │       2911      8592           731  1113433994100   53.799  1522.03
                                             13 columns and 1048560 rows omitted

df = @chain df begin
1048575×18 DataFrame
     Row │ vehicle_i_d  frame_i_d  total_frames  global_time    local_x  local ⋯
         │ Int64        Int64      Int64         Int64          Float64  Float ⋯
       1 │           1         12           884  1113433136100   16.884    52. ⋯
       2 │           1         13           884  1113433136200   16.938    53.
       3 │           1         14           884  1113433136300   16.991    54.
       4 │           1         15           884  1113433136400   17.045    54.
       5 │           1         16           884  1113433136500   17.098    55. ⋯
       6 │           1         17           884  1113433136600   17.151    56.
       7 │           1         18           884  1113433136700   17.204    57.
       8 │           1         19           884  1113433136800   17.257    58.
    ⋮    │      ⋮           ⋮           ⋮              ⋮           ⋮         ⋮ ⋱
 1048569 │        2911       8586           731  1113433993500   53.639  1510. ⋯
 1048570 │        2911       8587           731  1113433993600   53.666  1513.
 1048571 │        2911       8588           731  1113433993700   53.693  1515.
 1048572 │        2911       8589           731  1113433993800   53.719  1516.
 1048573 │        2911       8590           731  1113433993900   53.746  1518. ⋯
 1048574 │        2911       8591           731  1113433994000   53.772  1520.
 1048575 │        2911       8592           731  1113433994100   53.799  1522.
                                             13 columns and 1048560 rows omitted

18-element Vector{String}:

df = @chain df begin
         @rename(vehicle_id = vehicle_i_d,
                 frame_id = frame_i_d,
                 lane_id = lane_i_d)
1048575×18 DataFrame
     Row │ vehicle_id  frame_id  total_frames  global_time    local_x  local_y ⋯
         │ Int64       Int64     Int64         Int64          Float64  Float64 ⋯
       1 │          1        12           884  1113433136100   16.884    52.74 ⋯
       2 │          1        13           884  1113433136200   16.938    53.45
       3 │          1        14           884  1113433136300   16.991    54.19
       4 │          1        15           884  1113433136400   17.045    54.96
       5 │          1        16           884  1113433136500   17.098    55.77 ⋯
       6 │          1        17           884  1113433136600   17.151    56.61
       7 │          1        18           884  1113433136700   17.204    57.50
       8 │          1        19           884  1113433136800   17.257    58.43
    ⋮    │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮              ⋮           ⋮         ⋮   ⋱
 1048569 │       2911      8586           731  1113433993500   53.639  1510.93 ⋯
 1048570 │       2911      8587           731  1113433993600   53.666  1513.01
 1048571 │       2911      8588           731  1113433993700   53.693  1515.0
 1048572 │       2911      8589           731  1113433993800   53.719  1516.88
 1048573 │       2911      8590           731  1113433993900   53.746  1518.68 ⋯
 1048574 │       2911      8591           731  1113433994000   53.772  1520.39
 1048575 │       2911      8592           731  1113433994100   53.799  1522.03
                                             13 columns and 1048560 rows omitted
df <- df |> 
  dplyr::group_by(frame_id) |>  # grouping by frame id
  dplyr::mutate(preceding_local_y = local_y[match(preceding, vehicle_id)],
                preceding_length = v_length[match(preceding, vehicle_id)],
                preceding_width = v_width[match(preceding, vehicle_id)],
                preceding_class= v_class[match(preceding, vehicle_id)],
                preceding_vel = v_vel[match(preceding, vehicle_id)],
                preceding_acc = v_acc[match(preceding, vehicle_id)]) |> 
df = df.merge(
  df.loc[:, ['frame_id', 'vehicle_id', 'local_y', 'v_length',
            'v_width', 'v_class', 'v_vel', 'v_acc']] , 
              left_on = ['frame_id', 'preceding'], 
              right_on = ['frame_id', 'vehicle_id'], how = 'left', 
              suffixes=['', '_preceding']
df = df.drop(['vehicle_id_preceding'], axis = 'columns')
Index(['vehicle_id', 'frame_id', 'total_frames', 'global_time', 'local_x',
       'local_y', 'global_x', 'global_y', 'v_length', 'v_width', 'v_class',
       'v_vel', 'v_acc', 'lane_id', 'preceding', 'following', 'space_headway',
       'time_headway', 'local_y_preceding', 'v_length_preceding',
       'v_width_preceding', 'v_class_preceding', 'v_vel_preceding',

Rename the columns for preceding vehicles to match the column names with R:

df = (
      >> rename(preceding_local_y = _.local_y_preceding,
                 preceding_v_length =  _.v_length_preceding,
                 preceding_v_width = _.v_width_preceding,
                 preceding_v_class = _.v_class_preceding,
                 preceding_v_vel = _.v_vel_preceding,
                 preceding_v_acc = _.v_acc_preceding)
Index(['vehicle_id', 'frame_id', 'total_frames', 'global_time', 'local_x',
       'local_y', 'global_x', 'global_y', 'v_length', 'v_width', 'v_class',
       'v_vel', 'v_acc', 'lane_id', 'preceding', 'following', 'space_headway',
       'time_headway', 'preceding_local_y', 'preceding_v_length',
       'preceding_v_width', 'preceding_v_class', 'preceding_v_vel',
df = leftjoin(
           df[:, [:frame_id, :vehicle_id, :local_y, :v_length, :v_width, :v_class, :v_vel, :v_acc]],
           on = [:frame_id => :frame_id, :preceding => :vehicle_id],
           makeunique = true, 
           renamecols = "" => "_preceding"
1048575×24 DataFrame
     Row │ vehicle_id  frame_id  total_frames  global_time    local_x  local_y ⋯
         │ Int64       Int64     Int64         Int64          Float64  Float64 ⋯
       1 │         11        57           864  1113433140600   17.924   68.918 ⋯
       2 │         11        58           864  1113433140700   17.827   69.534
       3 │         11        59           864  1113433140800   17.73    70.158
       4 │         11        60           864  1113433140900   17.632   70.792
       5 │         11        61           864  1113433141000   17.533   71.434 ⋯
       6 │         11        62           864  1113433141100   17.433   72.083
       7 │         11        63           864  1113433141200   17.333   72.737
       8 │         11        64           864  1113433141300   17.233   73.398
    ⋮    │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮              ⋮           ⋮        ⋮    ⋱
 1048569 │       2911      8381           731  1113433973000   61.556  928.234 ⋯
 1048570 │       2911      8382           731  1113433973100   60.848  931.051
 1048571 │       2911      8383           731  1113433973200   60.721  933.884
 1048572 │       2911      8384           731  1113433973300   60.667  936.733
 1048573 │       2911      8385           731  1113433973400   60.779  939.596 ⋯
 1048574 │       2911      8386           731  1113433973500   60.97   942.472
 1048575 │       2911      8387           731  1113433973600   60.618  945.36
                                             19 columns and 1048560 rows omitted

24-element Vector{String}:

Rename the columns for preceding vehicles to match the column names with R:

df = @chain df begin
         @rename(preceding_local_y = local_y_preceding,
                 preceding_v_length =  v_length_preceding,
                 preceding_v_width = v_width_preceding,
                 preceding_v_class = v_class_preceding,
                 preceding_v_vel = v_vel_preceding,
                 preceding_v_acc = v_acc_preceding)
1048575×24 DataFrame
     Row │ vehicle_id  frame_id  total_frames  global_time    local_x  local_y ⋯
         │ Int64       Int64     Int64         Int64          Float64  Float64 ⋯
       1 │         11        57           864  1113433140600   17.924   68.918 ⋯
       2 │         11        58           864  1113433140700   17.827   69.534
       3 │         11        59           864  1113433140800   17.73    70.158
       4 │         11        60           864  1113433140900   17.632   70.792
       5 │         11        61           864  1113433141000   17.533   71.434 ⋯
       6 │         11        62           864  1113433141100   17.433   72.083
       7 │         11        63           864  1113433141200   17.333   72.737
       8 │         11        64           864  1113433141300   17.233   73.398
    ⋮    │     ⋮          ⋮           ⋮              ⋮           ⋮        ⋮    ⋱
 1048569 │       2911      8381           731  1113433973000   61.556  928.234 ⋯
 1048570 │       2911      8382           731  1113433973100   60.848  931.051
 1048571 │       2911      8383           731  1113433973200   60.721  933.884
 1048572 │       2911      8384           731  1113433973300   60.667  936.733
 1048573 │       2911      8385           731  1113433973400   60.779  939.596 ⋯
 1048574 │       2911      8386           731  1113433973500   60.97   942.472
 1048575 │       2911      8387           731  1113433973600   60.618  945.36
                                             19 columns and 1048560 rows omitted
24-element Vector{String}:
df <- df |>
  select(-c(total_frames, starts_with("global"), following), global_time) |> # Keeping the desired columns only
    .cols = c(starts_with("local"), starts_with("v_"), space_headway, starts_with("preceding"), -preceding, -preceding_class, -v_class),
    .fns = ~ round(.x * .3048, 2)
  )) |> # Convert to metric units
    .cols = c(vehicle_id, v_class, lane_id, preceding, preceding_class),
    .fns = ~ as.factor(.x)
  )) # Convert a few columns to factor type
df = (
  >> select(-_[_.total_frames, _.startswith('global'), _.following], 
  _.global_time) # Keeping the desired columns only
### converting to metric units
cols_to_convert_to_metric = ['local_x', 'local_y', 'v_length', 'v_width', 
        'v_vel', 'v_acc', 'space_headway', 'preceding_local_y',
        'preceding_v_length', 'preceding_v_width', 'preceding_v_vel',

df[cols_to_convert_to_metric] = df[cols_to_convert_to_metric].apply(lambda x: x * .3048).round(2)

## change the data type to categorical
cols_to_convert_to_categorical = ['vehicle_id', 'v_class', 'lane_id', 
                             'preceding', 'preceding_v_class']
for col in cols_to_convert_to_categorical:
    df[col] = df[col].astype('str',copy=False)
df <- df |> 
  mutate(actual_time = as.POSIXct(global_time/1000, origin = "1970-01-01", 
                                  tz="America/Los_Angeles")) |>
df['actual_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['global_time'] / 1000, 
                                    unit='s', origin='1970-01-01', utc=True)
df['actual_time'] = df['actual_time'].dt.tz_convert('America/Los_Angeles')

df = df.drop(['global_time'], axis = 'columns')

Index(['vehicle_id', 'frame_id', 'local_x', 'local_y', 'v_length', 'v_width',
       'v_class', 'v_vel', 'v_acc', 'lane_id', 'preceding', 'space_headway',
       'time_headway', 'preceding_local_y', 'preceding_v_length',
       'preceding_v_width', 'preceding_v_class', 'preceding_v_vel',
       'preceding_v_acc', 'actual_time'],
## Time space diagram
# ggplot(data = df |> 
#          filter(lane_id %in% c(1,2,3))) +
#   geom_path(aes(x = actual_time, 
#                 y = local_y, 
#                 color = v_vel,
#                 group = vehicle_id), alpha = 0.5) +
#   scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") +
#   facet_grid(lane_id ~ ., labeller = "label_both") +
#   labs(x = "Time (HH:MM)",
#        y = "Longitudinal position",
#        color = "Speed (m/s)") +
#   theme_minimal()
## Time space diagram

df_123 = (
      >> filter(_.lane_id.isin(["1", "2", "3"]))
C:\Users\umair\ANACON~1\envs\homl3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ DeprecationWarning: np.find_common_type is deprecated.  Please use `np.result_type` or `np.promote_types`.
See and the docs for more information.  (Deprecated NumPy 1.25)
  ggplot(data = df_123) +
  geom_path(aes(x = 'actual_time',
                y = 'local_y',
                color = 'v_vel',
                group = 'vehicle_id'), alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") +
  facet_grid('lane_id ~ .', labeller = "label_both") +
  labs(x = "Time (HH:MM)",
       y = "Longitudinal position",
       color = "Speed (m/s)") +
<Figure Size: (640 x 480)>